Leadership in business climate Mao Underaction EC of Canton Ambato of the Province of Tungurahua
leadership, quality, climate, efficiencyAbstract
The present work is based on the leadership in the company's work environment, Mao Underaction EC of Cantón Ambato of the province of Tungurahua. The work started from the formulation of a general objective around, which the leadership that characterizes the daily work within the companies and the relationship between the employer and his collaborators is traced, the theoretical framework is continued, which allows defining. The concept that should mark a harmonious workplace, in order to achieve production results, with efficiency and effectiveness. To achieve this, an analysis was made on the influence of leadership in the labor environment to determine the positive effects on its managers and employees. Within the applied methodology was chosen the applied research modality of field and as instrument was used the survey, the population object that was the purpose of study selected, it was 50 people of the company chosen as field of study and was constituted by employer and employees. The survey was structured as follow: 10 questions focused on the concept of salary, definition of the work environment, precision of the processes, measurement of the level of performance and work satisfaction, physical environment, interpersonal relationships, organizational values, procedures and self-fulfillment. Once the results were evaluated, it was demonstrated that the majority of the population considers the object of an express study that the company does not maintain leadership according to the expectations of the workers, which negatively influences the performance and efficiency of the working population.
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