Motivation as a tool for increasing productivity in family business


  • Mauro Laruccia
  • Ana Maria Jansen Matias



Family Business Management, Motivation and Organizational Leadership, Optimizing Productivity


This survey reports the definitions of family business,   its technical features, their strengths, and points to develop and which manner these variables may or may not occur and interfere in the organizational environment of enterprises. Discourse the awakening motivation in collaborative in addition to motivational theories. The leadership, the ways to lead, the pin point of a leader to motivate staff team. It brings the case study in a company, located in the neighborhoods of Lapa and Vila Olímpia, Sao Paulo. Announces the structure and company guidelines, moreover, their strengths and weaknesses from the application of a questionnaire on motivation applied to employees and presented in graphs that analyzed, allowing to trace suggestions for improvement through scientifically justified theories.


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How to Cite

Laruccia, M., & Matias, A. M. J. (2018). Motivation as a tool for increasing productivity in family business. REMIPE - Revista De Micro E Pequenas Empresas E Empreendedorismo Da Fatec Osasco, 1(2), 238–262.