Techniques and devices for smart bath


  • Alex Sandro Araújo
  • Lucas Lemos Timm
  • Simmer Luiz Mello
  • Antonio Carlos Santos Arruda
  • Gilberto Paiva
  • Raphael Garcia Moreira
  • Carlos Alberto Freitas



Energy, Sustainability, Bathroom, Hydrophobic


The current scenario observed in the energy and water sources from Brazil requires more controlled forms of use to ensure the sustainability of these resources. In this sense, the purpose of this study was to produce results that can be quickly employed by the company of all walks of life in an environment where most concentrates the energy and water consumption: the bathroom stall. Four strategies that will assist the rational use of water and energy were developed. The first is a systemic intervention of domestic showers to reduce energy consumption by 75% and reduces the flow of water, without damaging the electrical resistance. A second strategy is the improvement of a heat exchanger to shower that takes advantage of the heat from the water rejected into the drain to preheat the water will get into the shower, with use of up to 44%. As a third strategy, a layer of hydrophobic material has been deposited on the inner walls of the shower stall in order to reduce the retention of dirt and waste on these surfaces, resulting in reduction of the need to wash this environment and, finally, a fourth strategy is a system that monitors the activity of the bath through the resistivity of the water discharged into the drain, this resistivity will indicate whether the person is still bathing or is being wasted, if characterized waste one solenoid will cut the supply of water shower. The results were compliant with the designed and the work suggests that further studies can be done to improve energy efficiency and water in the bathing place.


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How to Cite

Araújo, A. S., Timm, L. L., Mello, S. L., Arruda, A. C. S., Paiva, G., Moreira, R. G., & Freitas, C. A. (2018). Techniques and devices for smart bath. REMIPE - Revista De Micro E Pequenas Empresas E Empreendedorismo Da Fatec Osasco, 2(1), 3–18.

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