Micro and small entrepreneurs and SEBRAE: perception of entrepreneurs and consultants about the service provided and specificities of the business


  • Irlla Oliveira Faculdade Santa Helena
  • Karla Tavares Faculdade Santa Helena
  • Rÿmulo Santana Faculdade Santa Helena
  • Juliana Gonçalves de Araújo UFPE




Micro-enterprises, SEBRAE, Management accounting, entrepreneurship


This study aims to identify the perceptions of entrepreneurs and consultants in relation to SEBRAE's service delivery about the characteristics, difficulties and specificities of the management of micro and small entrepreneurs who use consulting services. The method of data collection occurred through quantitative surveys with the completion of an objective questionnaire for the entrepreneurs, where they were collected at the place of attendance provided by SEBRAE and for the consultants qualitative analysis through an interview script, which were recorded and described for facilitate the analysis. In this way, data were extracted that characterized the entrepreneurs as gender, age and educational level, for the consultants time to act in the service and type of bond with SEBRAE. The specifics of the entrepreneurs were branch of the company, time in the market and knowledge about accounting, the company profile consultants, tools used and actions developed. The difficulties in the entrepreneur's vision are related to the strategy of selling and advertising and the economic crisis, in the view of the consultants represents the lack of planning of a business plan. The information obtained led to the identification that the perception that both users have of the consultancy offered by SEBRAE, is favorable for companies to remain in the market, so the guidelines should be followed correctly, not only the tax, but also the management.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, I., Tavares, K., Santana, R., & Araújo, J. G. de. (2018). Micro and small entrepreneurs and SEBRAE: perception of entrepreneurs and consultants about the service provided and specificities of the business. REMIPE - Revista De Micro E Pequenas Empresas E Empreendedorismo Da Fatec Osasco, 4(1), 198–220. https://doi.org/10.21574/remipe.v4i1.6