Desenvolvimento de um Projeto de Baixo Custo para um Analisador de Esfigmomanômetro com IOT


  • Ana Carolina Rodrigues Silva FATEC- Osasco
  • Gabriel Rizzo Campos FATEC-Osasco
  • Maria Eduarda Barbosa de Figueiredo FATEC-Osasco
  • Jeferson Cerqueira Dias FATEC-Osasco
  • Marcos Henrique Silva Mesquita FATEC-Osasco



blood pressure, sphygmomanometer, calibration , internet of things


One of the major aggravating factors of cardiovascular diseases is the increase in blood pressure, called systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) and measured by sphygmomanometers. This equipment needs constant calibration, performed with analyzers. It is observed that there are problems involving its usability, connectivity, and lack of explanatory documents. The proposal of this work is to develop the project and prototype of a low-cost, simplified, accurate sphygmomanometer analyzer with the implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT). As a result, it was achieved the operation of the analyzer simulation in the Proteus software, design of the prototype in AutoCAD and the representation of the data collection in Google Sheets, where it was verified the non-compliance of the values of 120 and 180 mmHg. It was possible to conclude that the project and prototype presented the initial proposed characteristics, being necessary future adjustments and also the development and improvement of the calculations, as well as a prototype with commercial characteristics


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How to Cite

Silva, A. C. R., Campos , G. R., Figueiredo, M. E. B. de, Dias, J. C., & Mesquita, M. H. S. (2023). Desenvolvimento de um Projeto de Baixo Custo para um Analisador de Esfigmomanômetro com IOT. REMIPE - Revista De Micro E Pequenas Empresas E Empreendedorismo Da Fatec Osasco, 9(2), 284–302.