Manufacturing of a thermal treatment oven aiming opportunities for the provision of services for the development of new materials and processes for the metallurgical, ceramic, polymer and microelectronic industry


  • Gerson Cristian Marques da Silva FATEC-Osasco
  • Irley de Souza Oliveira FATEC-Osasco
  • Vagner Rodrigues de Souza FATEC-Osasco
  • Kennedy Yoshinori de Souza FATEC-Osasco
  • Emerson Costa Santos FATEC-Osasco
  • André Rosa Ferreira FATEC-Osasco
  • Deocleciano Reis Martins FATEC-Osasco



microeletrÿnica, heat treatment, oven, microelectronics, metallurgy, polymers, ceramics


There are great business opportunities related to the development of heat treatment for new materials and industrial processes, among which are outstanding: metallurgy, ceramics, polymers and microelectronics, these opportunities are not being explored. In general, the temperature range that promotes suitable heat treatments for the industries targeted for this work varies from 50 to 1800 ° C with different residence times. Ovens that follow heating and cooling ramp specifications as well as degree of purity for microelectronic processes are found only at major research centers in Brazil. In this work it was proposed by the manufacture of a thermal treatment oven to meet the demands of providing research service and development of new processes and materials. The project was completed at a cost of R$ 11,997.90, and showed adherence to the need for micro and small companies that could be benefit from this market. As a conceptual test, the casting of 1200 H14 aluminum alloy was performed.

Author Biographies

Gerson Cristian Marques da Silva, FATEC-Osasco

Tecnólogo em Manutenção Industrial


Irley de Souza Oliveira, FATEC-Osasco

Tecnólogo em Manutenção Industrial


Vagner Rodrigues de Souza, FATEC-Osasco

Tecnólogo em Manutenção Industrial


Kennedy Yoshinori de Souza, FATEC-Osasco

Tecnólogo em Manutenção Industrial

FATEC  - Osasco

Emerson Costa Santos, FATEC-Osasco

Engenheiro Mecânico

Instrutor na Escola SENAI Nadir Dias de Figueiredo

André Rosa Ferreira, FATEC-Osasco

Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica

Professor da FATEC ? Osasco

Deocleciano Reis Martins, FATEC-Osasco

Graduado em Tecnologia Mecânica-Projetos

Especialista em Gestão de Projetos e Processos Organizacionais

Professor da FATEC - Osasco


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How to Cite

Marques da Silva, G. C., Oliveira, I. de S., Souza, V. R. de, de Souza, K. Y., Santos, E. C., Ferreira, A. R., & Martins, D. R. (2017). Manufacturing of a thermal treatment oven aiming opportunities for the provision of services for the development of new materials and processes for the metallurgical, ceramic, polymer and microelectronic industry. REMIPE - Revista De Micro E Pequenas Empresas E Empreendedorismo Da Fatec Osasco, 3(2), 157–171.