From informal mining to sustainable tourism: The case of Canchaque, Piura (Peru)
management of Mypes, sustainable tourism, informal miningAbstract
: Informal mining activity causes negative impacts on the environment and related populations, which is why it is necessary to implement measures for their formalization or eradication. Such is the case of the city of Canchaque, in Piura, Peru, which has important tourist attractions that make it an important destination to attract tourists, despite the incipient development of this activity in the area and the weak formation of Mypes. Those operate in the city, and that it is an alternative to replace informal mining. The research aims to identify the variables that influence the management of Canchaque Mypes and their requirements to contribute to the development of sustainable tourism for the benefit of the population. The research is descriptive-cross-sectional, with application of a non-probabilistic-discretionary sampling on the 40 Mypes that carry out their activities in Canchaque, and interviews with those in charge of the management. The results show the need for training in management aspects to develop Mypes oriented to sustainable tourism and a high interest to improve the quality of tourism services in the area. The results show that it is necessary to implement a management model for the Mypes in the area and a strategy of continuous training for people who are in charge of managing them, taking advantage of government actions to include Canchaque in the Agenda for the Development and Innovation of Tourist Products.
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