Performance measurement:
study with accelerators in the state of Paraná
Accelerators; Performance measurement; Startups.Abstract
This research aims to identify the level of adherence to the framework of performance measures used by the accelerators in the state of Paraná to follow the startups development. The accelerators are the objects of study having as population estimated 09 companies. Data collection was done through semi-structured questionnaires. Descriptive statistics were used to perform the data analysis. The results indicated a low adherence to the framework among the accelerators in Paraná, for both financial and non-financial measures. However, some financial and non-financial indicators have a satisfactory level of adherence, concluding that the accelerators in Paraná use measures of performance in the acceleration process. It was also verified that the accelerators, in their great majority, cherish the use of specific performance measures in each stage of the life cycle of the startups and according to business model, as suggested by the literature.
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