Action research enforced on creating a board game to develop competences of entrepreneurs


  • Patricia Mari Matsuda Centro Universitário FEI



entrepreneurship, board game, skills


This research aims to analyze the development of a game that encourages the evolution of skills and entrepreneurial characteristics in students and entrepreneurs who want to seek a new means of cognitive development. The game was built as a physical board, when playing with a dice, for each step there is a different challenge. As the player goes from house to house on the board, the difficulty level increases. The methodology used is exploratory research with research-action outlines. This type of research, according to Gil (2002), was recognized as something extremely useful, especially by researchers identified by "reformist" and "participatory" ideologies. Unlike the other methodology, it stands out for its mode of action involving the entrepreneur and the different interested groups. With partner of the company "Enterprise in the Network" and the University Center FEI, research proposal developed by students and teachers. This research relates to the disciplines that study innovative methods of management, competitiveness and innovative theories in the administration. Practicing the theories presented in class, experienced through the research-action, developing a tool for entrepreneurs through playful games. This research brings innovations by developing a game in the board format with the infinity symbol and pieces instead of cards. The Association of Colours and the representation of the pieces were extremely important for the construction of this study, which has in its essence the innovation. Can continue in a new line of research with new adaptations to the game and insertion in the virtual environment.


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How to Cite

Matsuda, P. M. (2019). Action research enforced on creating a board game to develop competences of entrepreneurs. REMIPE - Revista De Micro E Pequenas Empresas E Empreendedorismo Da Fatec Osasco, 5(2), 318–334.