Women?s entrepreneur behavior: a study in the state of Rio Grande do Sul
entrepreneurship, women entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial behaviorAbstract
Women who are entrepreneurs represent almost half of the new Brazilian businesses opened in 2017. Therefore, this article seeks to analyze the characteristics of feminine entrepreneurial behavior with the study in the cities in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. For this, the studies related to the entrepreneur behavior of the psychologist David McClelland based on behavioral entrepreneurship were observed, also addressing sociodemographic aspects of the participants and their motivations to undertake or continue the enterprise. The study has a quantitative approach where a questionnaire called "Behavioral Diagnosis", of the Business to Business Project of SEBRAE, was applied to 711 women entrepreneurs from Rio Grande do Sul. As a result, it was verified that the main characteristics of the entrepreneurs are contained in the achievement: the willingness to achieve challenging goals, searching to do something always better and more efficiently and searching for excellence and success in order to obtain recognition by your deeds. From these characteristics, it is possible to elaborate new indicators of public policies to encourage women entrepreneurship in the state of Rio Grande do Sul
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