Comprehensive analysis of variables that can influence venture capital raising by startups


  • Marcos Klein
  • Vanessa Theis Universidade FEEVALE
  • Dusan Schreiber



Startup, Investments, . Technology parks


Against of current context about innovative business, the startups, scalable companies and accelerated growth, gain strength in the entrepreneurial market, generating interest from venture capitalists and other sources of investment. In this sense, the present paper has as general objective to identify if there are venture capital investments received by startups incubated in technological parks of universities in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre and Vale dos Sinos, both in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Initially, we performed a theoretical study about startups, the idea concept up to the final execution, as well as the sources of financial funding that exist in the Brazilian investment market. Regarding the methodology, the study is characterized as a multiple case study, with a qualitative approach and exploratory descriptive research. For the data collection, we used documentary surveys and semi-structured interviews with the entrepreneurs of the startups studied. Six companies incubated in the technology parks participated in the survey: one at TECNOSINOS, headquartered at UNISINOS and five at TECNOPUC, located at PUCRS. Regarding the data analysis, the non-participant observation and the content analysis were used. Through the data analyzed, it was verified that factors such as product and team are determinant for the contribution of risk capital, since an innovative idea allied to a product with quality criteria validated by the client provides a greater chance of attracting resources to promote and accelerate the company.


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How to Cite

Klein, M., Theis, V., & Schreiber, D. (2019). Comprehensive analysis of variables that can influence venture capital raising by startups. REMIPE - Revista De Micro E Pequenas Empresas E Empreendedorismo Da Fatec Osasco, 5(2), 258–280.