Manufacturing of a thermal evaporator as a way of adding value to the individual microentrepreneur work


  • Diego Escudeiro
  • Luciano Silva
  • Reginaldo Machado
  • Willian Aurelio Nogueira
  • Antonio Carlos Santos de Arruda
  • Raphael Garcia Moreira Universidade de São Paulo



evaporator of metals, evaporation, thin films, metallurgy, microelectronics.


There is a promising market for the deposition of metallic thin films in terms of high technology applications in Brazil. This market has not been explored by microentrepreneurs because there is no a study which shows the basic viability to build a piece of equipment which can evaporate metals with quality and control. In this work, a viability research was carried out on the construction of a metal evaporator and, moreover, it was built for a first practical evaluation. The results suggest that with investments of the order from R$ 4,000.00 to R$ 15,000.00, it is possible that the microentrepreneur may manufacture industrial grade thin film evaporators. Special attention must be given to the vacuum circuit in order to control the quality of the deposited film. The market can be easily explored in terms of the development and manufacturing of solar energy plates, deposition of metal layers in automotive glass, satellite antennas and even in the manufacturing of jewelry and costume jewelry.


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How to Cite

Escudeiro, D., Silva, L., Machado, R., Nogueira, W. A., de Arruda, A. C. S., & Garcia Moreira, R. (2018). Manufacturing of a thermal evaporator as a way of adding value to the individual microentrepreneur work. REMIPE - Revista De Micro E Pequenas Empresas E Empreendedorismo Da Fatec Osasco, 4(2), 157–173.