Entrepreneurial behavioral characteristics and organizational performance: a study of companies graduated in incubators in west Paraná linked to Anprotec


  • Lays Martins Amaral Unioeste - Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná




entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial behavioral characateristic, incubator company, graduated companies


There are a lot of studies that consider the practices of entrepreneurship development, however, few studies observe the success of the programs implemented, such as the case of company incubators. This study aimed at investigating the organizational performance of graduated companies and the entrepreneurial behavioral characteristics predominant in these enterprises from company incubators located in the West of Paraná, linked to Anprotec. This is a case study of descriptive nature, with 23 leaders responsible for graduated companies through the questionnaire proposed by Mc Clelland, with 55 sentences that show the 10 entrepreneurial behavioral characteristics. The three predominant were: commitment, persistence and search for opportunity and initiative. And those with less influence: systematic planning and monitoring, and persuasion and contact networks. The graduated companies presented such a good organizational performance, so it was possible to observe a relation of this phenomenon with the behaviors of the leaders.


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How to Cite

Amaral, L. M. (2019). Entrepreneurial behavioral characteristics and organizational performance: a study of companies graduated in incubators in west Paraná linked to Anprotec. REMIPE - Revista De Micro E Pequenas Empresas E Empreendedorismo Da Fatec Osasco, 5(1), 98–119. https://doi.org/10.21574/remipe.v5i1.117