Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The article deals with study and/or research in the field of Management, Finance, Production or Information Technology.
- The text is aimed at micro, small businesses or entrepreneurship.
- The text is in A4 format (210x297mm) and in a text editor compatible with Microsoft Word, RTF or OpenOffice programs, with Times New Roman font, size 12 and space between lines 1.5.
- Available instructions were followed to ensure blind peer review. Therefore, the authors' names and details were not included in the article text or in the properties.
- The abstract of the article has between 100 to 250 words, and it contains: contextualization, objectives, methodology, results, conclusions and contributions.
There are 3 to 5 keywords in the original language and in English, separated by commas.
The article respects the amount of 15,000 to 36,000 characters without spaces, as per the guidelines, considering all the components of the article, from the introduction and without considering the references at the end.
The article contains title, abstract and keywords in the original language and in English, , with lower case letters.
- The text follows the style standards and requirements set out in the Guidelines for Authors.
- Obligation: Preencher the metadata, such as the full name, e-mail, affiliation, title and Orcid of all the authors in the system. Registration with ORCID is free and can be obtained from the website:
- The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication.
- Theoretical essays, bibliometric investigations or systematic literature reviews are not acceptable, as the Journal seeks to disseminate applied research.
- Prepared a cover page containing: Title of the article in the original language Title of the article in English (if in English, add in Portuguese) Name of author 1, with a footnote containing institutional address for correspondence and e-mail. Title Institution. In case of doubts, it is recommended to consult the published articles.
Copyright Notice
Copyright Statement
1 - The texts published in the journal are the sole responsibility of their authors.
2 - Reproduction is permitted, provided that the source and author are cited.
After the article is approved, the main author must send the statement, according to the model: REMIPE JOURNAL (Name of the author), holder of document number ________ (in the case of several authors, cite all of them), I authorize (or we authorize, in the case of several authors) the publication of the article (name of the article), exclusively by REMIPE Journal (ISSN 2446-8622) in electronic media.
The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
Data for all authors:
Full name:
Note: Provide the DDD and DDI service codes.
Authors' signature:__________________________
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The names and addresses informed in this scientific journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.